
How To Correctly Merge in Normal Conditions

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Merging - Normal Conditions

In Normal Conditions the roads are clear and the majority of drivers are able to safely go the full posted speed. The probability of a slowdown is minimal in this situation. Then, it happens. We are notified that there is a lane ending ahead.

We realize two lanes are going to become one. It is not only courteous but common sense tells us that this situation is best handled gracefully, by moving over at our earliest possible convenience to avoid any last minute rush. This is correct. More...

The goal is to merge safely and efficiently without causing a suprise for the rest of your mates. Merging as soon as possible is best because it decreases the chance for a bustle especially at high speeds in these normal conditions. There should be more than enough time and space for you to get over, or if your lane doesn't end, more than enough time and space for you to adjust your speed to let someone in.

The goal is to merge safely and efficiently without causing a suprise for the rest of your mates. This is done by working together with the person next to you, letting them know you want to get over to creatematching speeds and creating a cap. This would decrease the chance for a hustle or bustle when the dotted line actually disappears between the two lanes and lane merge is complete.

At first realization that your lane is to end it is appropriate and courteous to attempt to match the speed of the driver(s) next to as they will attempt to leave a gap for you to enter. Once the speed and gap have been established it is appropriate to use your turn signal at least 100 feet to identify you are exiting your lane and entering the gap. If no gap was created for you in sufficient time slow down slightly, turn on your turn signal, and respectfully attempt to get behind the car you are closest to.

We realize two lanes are going to become one. Common sense tells us to get out of the lane that is ending, as safely and quickly possible. This would decrease the chance for a hustle or bustle when the dotted line actually disappears between the two lanes and lane merge is complete.

In normal conditions this is the courtesy correct procedure. If no cars are within 8 or 10 seconds away from you it is safe to stay in the ending lane lreWe realize two lanes are going to become one. Common sense tells us to get out of the lane that is ending, as safely and quickly possible. This would decrease the chance for a hustle or bustle when the dotted line actually disappears between the two lanes and lane merge is complete.


Humor. Check out this article submitted to digg how to correctly merge!

Rex 2011