
How To Correctly Merge in Traffic

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Merging - Traffic Situation

In Traffic it is not immediately obvious what the best strategy for merging. How do you maximize speed, efficiency and fairness when large merge?

In a Merging situation where two freeways come together and a lane ends all cars should be distributed equally among all avaiable lanes regardless of other, minor, apprent efficiencies. Spreading out and taking turns merging is always the most efficient process to which the most drivers can benefit from. How do we come to this conclusion? Click to show more.

How do you arrive at this logic?

Click here for Steps on How to Properly Merge and Best Practices

  • e speed of the car next to you and leave a small gap equal to the length of your car until the dotted lines finally disappear and the lane becomes one. Signal that you would like to enter the lane and take turns one by one entering the gaps provided for you. More than likely there will be a gap for you and if there isn't gap providedthey take turns using the gaps provided to successfully combine into a single lane. Again, we do this because the roads were designed this way and it minimizes the number of people affected by a single point of failure.
  • ilures out of convenience and respect to everyone on the roadThe little more merky as to what is the most appropriate and courteous response when we are notified of a lane ending. However, This is because every bit of lane space is meant to be used and for the befor fairness roads are clear and the majority of drivers are able to safely go the full posted speed. The probability of a slowdown is minimal in this situation. Then, it happens. We are notified that there is a lane ending ahead.


    Don't take our word for it, check out the link to an article on digg on how merging should and should not be done.

    Rex 2011